Teachers & Staff
We are excited to introduce you to our dedicated staff! At Capitan Middle School we employ highly qualified teachers who are not only committed to educating your children using best practices in their field, but also to the improvement of their own teaching and expertise. This combination creates an atmosphere of respect, excitement, and cooperation. We invite you to get to know our teachers and think of ways you can support them to prepare our students for roles in our community.
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Lee VanceVance Lee Superintendent
Beets VickiVicki Beets Special Services Director
Poss NateNate Poss Athletics Coordinator
Shepperd ShaneShane Shepperd Transportation/Operations Supervisor
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Lee VanceVance Lee Superintendent
Beets VickiVicki Beets Special Services Director
Poss NateNate Poss Athletics Coordinator
Shepperd ShaneShane Shepperd Transportation/Operations Supervisor
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Kennedy TheresaTheresa Kennedy Licensed Professional School Counselor
Blackbourn SheilaSheila Blackbourn Licensed School Social Worker
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Kennedy TheresaTheresa Kennedy Licensed Professional School Counselor
Blackbourn SheilaSheila Blackbourn Licensed School Social Worker
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Bowen MorganMorgan Bowen Math/English
Ellison WayneWayne Ellison Guitar
Garcia MichelleMichelle Garcia 6th–8th Grade ELA
Hopson LanelleLanelle Hopson English
Jackson DaleDale Jackson 8th Grade New Mexico History
King KimKim King Math
Lee JasonJason Lee Agriculture Mechanics
Levin RhiannonRhiannon Levin Social Studies
McInnes JodieJodie McInnes Intervention
Menix DwightDwight Menix Special Education
Newell KellyKelly Newell Art/Health
Rush TysonTyson Rush Physical Education/Health
Shaver DuWayneDuWayne Shaver Music/Band
Smith DeborahDeborah Smith Computers/Media/Drama
Stearns MichelleMichelle Stearns Agriculture
Wren KarrieKarrie Wren Culinary Arts
Wrye IvyIvy Wrye Science
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Bowen MorganMorgan Bowen Math/English
Ellison WayneWayne Ellison Guitar
Garcia MichelleMichelle Garcia 6th–8th Grade ELA
Hopson LanelleLanelle Hopson English
Jackson DaleDale Jackson 8th Grade New Mexico History
King KimKim King Math
Lee JasonJason Lee Agriculture Mechanics
Levin RhiannonRhiannon Levin Social Studies
McInnes JodieJodie McInnes Intervention
Menix DwightDwight Menix Special Education
Newell KellyKelly Newell Art/Health
Rush TysonTyson Rush Physical Education/Health
Shaver DuWayneDuWayne Shaver Music/Band
Smith DeborahDeborah Smith Computers/Media/Drama
Stearns MichelleMichelle Stearns Agriculture
Wren KarrieKarrie Wren Culinary Arts
Wrye IvyIvy Wrye Science
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Support Staff
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Boley BarbaraBarbara Boley Educational Assistant
Bradford RobertRobert Bradford Custodian
DeSalvo JennyJenny DeSalvo Secretary
DeSalvo KurtKurt DeSalvo Custodian
Garcia AnthonyAnthony Garcia Maintenance
Keith Aragon MaryMary Keith Aragon Educational Assistant
Ketchum AndreaAndrea Ketchum Educational Assistant
Latham DianeDiane Latham School Nurse
Lehman ScottScott Lehman Educational Assistant
Miller PaulPaul Miller Maintenance
Salcedo FernandoFernando Salcedo Maintenance
Schmidt TroyTroy Schmidt Educational Assistant
Sierra LisaLisa Sierra Educational Assistant
Storms AmandaAmanda Storms Educational Assistant
Svendson MaggieMaggie Svendson Educational Assistant
Tyler ToshaTosha Tyler Custodian
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Boley BarbaraBarbara Boley Educational Assistant
Bradford RobertRobert Bradford Custodian
DeSalvo JennyJenny DeSalvo Secretary
DeSalvo KurtKurt DeSalvo Custodian
Garcia AnthonyAnthony Garcia Maintenance
Keith Aragon MaryMary Keith Aragon Educational Assistant
Ketchum AndreaAndrea Ketchum Educational Assistant
Latham DianeDiane Latham School Nurse
Lehman ScottScott Lehman Educational Assistant
Miller PaulPaul Miller Maintenance
Salcedo FernandoFernando Salcedo Maintenance
Schmidt TroyTroy Schmidt Educational Assistant
Sierra LisaLisa Sierra Educational Assistant
Storms AmandaAmanda Storms Educational Assistant
Svendson MaggieMaggie Svendson Educational Assistant
Tyler ToshaTosha Tyler Custodian
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