Fine Arts Department

At Capitan Middle School, we believe all students can succeed! But that success often translates differently because of different talents, interests, and abilities. That is why we provide a variety of different avenues for our students to explore and find success. Our growing Fine Arts Department at CMS is just one of those areas.


Are you interested in learning to play an instrument? Do you already take lessons? Whether you’re a beginner or have years of experience, our Middle School Band is just the place for you! In band, we’ll learn how to read and write music, keep time, and properly tune and care for instruments. We perform at school sporting events and concerts; you can often find us leading community parades; and we participate in music festivals and competitions throughout the year! We specialize in the following:

  • Marching Band
    • This is a first-semester class only. We perform at football games, in parades, and at festivals.
  • Concert Band
    • This is a second-semester class. We perform at concerts, festivals, and state music competitions.


Are you a performer? Do you love to sing in the shower? You should think about joining our Capitan Choir! The choir is a great place to showcase your talents and refine your abilities. We will work on reading music, voice instruction, and performance etiquette throughout the year. We offer the following:

  • CMS Choir
    • Students can take this class during the first semester of school. In CMS Choir, we sing in traditional chorus and harmonies. We perform at Contest each year.
  • Show Choir
    • We offer this class during the second semester. Show Choir is a more contemporary choir that incorporates dance and choreography. This group performs in school concerts and talent shows.